Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My heart still beats for you.

I miss your eyes, your lips, your laugh, your arms, your hands. I miss you! I miss your love, your care, your understanding, your friendship, your humor. I miss you! I miss your kiss, your hug, how you held me, even the wrestling. I MISS YOU. This time away is healthy for both of us and we know it is. But when the time comes that you forget me and get over me, I don't want to be here and watch. Because I know for a fact I won't be over you. It's funny how happy we make each other, and how miserable we are far apart. Well at least I am. I don't want to be here when you move on. When you love another. When she becomes "The prettiest" all it would do is kill me inside. I would have to keep going. What if I leave and our love grows? I ask God for that every night. If it doesn't happen, then you weren't for me, if it does...then, again, I will be the happiest girl walking on this earth. All i'm scared of is that i'll leave and if i come back things will be different, that I won't be the one. I'm not keeping my hopes up, what ever happens, happens. If it's heartbreaking i'll have to deal with it. If it's happy again, then I want nothing else than to be in your arms again.

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