Saturday, May 7, 2011

Walking alone, away..forever.

I thought we would walk hand in hand forever. I thought we would go through any obstacle without letting go. I thought our love would be stronger than anything else in this world. I thought that love would take us to places we've never been before. I thought we belonged together. I was wrong. I now see what it really is. Giving up on the best thing in your life, or so i thought. I walk alone, I walk away, I won't turn back. My heart breaks, my heart tears and I can no longer hear it's song. The song that played "I love you" has lost it's meaning. It has walked away. So now it's my turn. I walk away, I won't turn back. I walk away, I won't turn back. I walk away, I won't turn back. It still makes no sense. I don't want to, but I have to. I'm broken, but my appearance seems fixed. I'm sad, but my appearance seems happy. I'm appearance seems found. How can one person possibly make me have all these feelings. I want to hug you and never let go, but I want to run away from you and never turn back. Run after me and tell me it will be okay. I want to look into your eyes once again and tell you how much you mean to me, but I want to look away and never look back.  Turn my face and tell me it will be okay. I want to hold your hand and take care of you with my life, but I want to let go and get used to walking alone. Hold my hand, never let go and tell me it will be okay. That will never happen, that's why...I walk away, I won't turn back.

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